Poker chips value per color:
basic explanation

If you play poker tournaments you will know that the games are run on a point system and not on chips, so making the jump to a cash game can be tricky if you are not familiar with poker chip values.
Although it sounds silly, identifying chip values by color will allow you to make calculations at a much faster rate. And, believe us, you’re going to need to do them fast if you don’t want to lose because of your slow mental speed. It takes training and practice to calculate potential winnings and our bankroll, which must be under control at all times, so start by getting to know the different colors and their associated values.
Poker chips value per color in poker

Nowadays, the chips colors in poker have been standardized, in order to facilitate the identification of their values. In some poker games as high-stakes, it is difficult to keep track even of one’s own stack.
Taking into account that calculations are essential to have the game under control and to be aware of the chips we have and what our chances are when making a bet, having a color code that allows us to know how much a chip is worth only by the color of the edge makes everything much easier when it comes to keeping track of the numbers in our stack.
However, there are certain licenses that poker platforms can take in relation to the color codes of their chips. Therefore, there are a series of colors that are common to all of them, but others may suffer slight variations. This can be an inconvenience if you have been playing for a long time in a certain room, and you have decided to try your luck in a different house. It is all a matter of getting used to it, but you must take this factor into account.
Poker chips color and its meaning
The chips can have their value reflected in dollars or euros and, sporadically and marginally, in other currencies. The chips colors in poker are the following:
- White: 1 €
- Red: 5 €
- Blue: 10 €
- Green: 25 €
- Black: 100 €
- Purple: 500 €
- Yellow: 1.000 €
- Pink: 5.000 €
- Orange: 10.000 €
Some platforms may have additional chips that mitigate the jump from one amount to another, encouraging betting and making the strategic possibilities much greater. Some extra colors associated with additional values may be:
- Gray: 20 €
- Orange: 50 €
- Garnet red: 2.000 €
What color poker chips are worth?

The greater the variety of chips, the more branched your strategic possibilities for placing a bet will be. This is fundamental to dynamize the game, since the polarization of values can lead to inhibit the player from placing a bet, which is not at all positive.
So, what color poker chips are worth? By themselves, there is no type of chips that are more worthwhile than others. But you should know that it is in your best interest to have a variety of chips in your stack in order to be able to play with a much wider range of strategies. That’s why more and more poker platforms have joined the proposal to expand the original stack of chips.
If you are a newcomer to cash games, you should play with low value chips. Concentrating a large amount of money in a single chip can be counterproductive, and only in professional play or at advanced level tables you should handle high value chips.
As you gain experience, you should start dealing with medium value chips to become more comfortable, but always relying on the lower value chips. The use of high value chips should be postponed for tables and players with a higher level, especially if we are talking about turbo and hyper turbo game modes.
In fact, it will be in these frenetic games where you will find it more useful to establish relationships between the colors of the chips and their values, because they will allow you to play much faster and to design a strategy in less time.
However, it is best to familiarize yourself with the color scheme of the house in which you play. Bearing in mind that you may be exposed to variations compared to the colors you already know, it is important that you review what kind of tiles are used in each house and what are the values associated with each of them to handle the numbers with ease during the games: in cash games you will need it.